Domain Name Transfers
Domain name transfer is the process of moving a domain from one registrar (the company where the domain is registered) to another.
The process of transferring a domain typically involves several key steps:
Unlocking the Domain: Where necessary, the domain must be unlocked at the current registrar. Domains are usually locked to prevent unauthorised transfers.
Obtaining an Authorization Code (EPP code) or Domain Password: The current registrar provides a unique code, also called the EPP code or Domain Password, that is required to initiate the transfer.
Initiating the Transfer: The domain owner provides the authorization code to the new registrar to start the transfer process.
Approval and Confirmation: The domain owner typically receives an email to approve the transfer. The transfer is not completed until this approval is given.
Completion: Once the transfer is approved, the domain moves to the new registrar, which can take anywhere from a few hours to a few days.
During the transfer, the domain’s ownership and settings are not affected, though it’s important to keep track of any renewal dates or DNS settings that might need to be updated.
If you need help with domain name transfer, contact us and we can do it for you on your behalf.